Τρίτη 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

RBL 6/9/2013

Lawrence Boadt; Richard Clifford and Daniel Harrington, eds.,  Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction
Reviewed by Richard G. Smith

David J. A. Clines and Ellen van Wolde, eds., A Critical Engagement: Essays on the Hebrew Bible in Honour of J. Cheryl Exum
Reviewed by George Savran

Walter Groß and Erasmus Gaß, Studien zum Richterbuch und seinen Völkernamen
Reviewed by Trent C. Butler

Todd R. Hanneken, The Subversion of the Apocalypses in the Book of Jubilees
Reviewed by Robert Foster

Jonathan Kearney, Rashi—Linguist Despite Himself: A Study of the Linguistic Dimension ofRabbi Solomon Yishaqi’s Commentary on Deuteronomy
Reviewed by Siam Bhayro

William E. Mierse, Temples and Sanctuaries from the Early Iron Age Levant: Recovery after Collapse
Reviewed by Jonathan S. Greer

Jacqueline S. du Toit, Textual Memory: Ancient Archives, Libraries and the Hebrew Bible
Reviewed by Ingeborg Löwisch

Yair Zakovitch, Jacob: Unexpected Patriarch 
Reviewed by Ronald Hendel

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