Κυριακή 2 Ιουνίου 2013

Τιμητικός τόμος για τον Martinus C. de Boer / Festischrift for Martinus C. de Boer

Από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Brill κυκλοφόρησε συλλογικός τόμος προς τιμήν του καθηγητή Martinus C. de Boer. O τόμος χωρίζεται σε τέσσερα μέρη που καλύπτουν τα πεδία έρευνας του τιμώμενου καθηγητή: επιστολής του Παύλου, ιωάννειες σπουδές, πρώιμη χριστιανική αποκαλυπτική και κριτική του κειμένου της Καινής Διαθήκης. 

Jan Krans; L.J. Lietaert Peerbolte; Peter-Ben Smit; Arie W. Zwiep (επιμ.), Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology: Studies in Honour of Martinus C. de Boer (NTSup 149), Leiden: Brill 
E - ISBN : 9789004250369
112 euros

Περιεχόμενα τόμου

  • Armand Puig i Tàrrech, "The use of the story and the words of Jesus in the Letters of Paul", 1-14
  • Bernard C. Lategan, "Some remarks on the origin and function of Galatians 3:28", 15-29
  • Henk J. de Jonge, "The community supper according to Paul and the Didache : their affinity and historical development", 30-47
  • James D. Dunn, "'Under the law'", 48-60
  • Beverly R. Gaventa, "The rhetoric of violence and the God of peace in Paul's letter to the Romans", 61-75
  • Daniel Marguerat, "Paul the mystic", 76-93
  • Andreas Lindemann, "Auferstehung und Endgericht : Überlegungen zu den Paulusbriefen und zum Johannesevangelium", 94-122
  • Adele Reinhartz, "Forging a new identity : Johannine rhetoric and the audience of the Fourth Gospel", 123-134
  • Jan G. van der Watt, "'Working the works of God' : identity and behaviour in the Gospel of John", 135-150
  • Peter B. Smit, "Alternative patronage in John 2:1-11?", 151-168
  • Christopher M. Tuckett, "Seeing and believing in John 20", 169-185
  • Maarten J. Menken, "What authority does the Fourth Evangelist claim for his book", 186-202
  • Adela Y. Collins, "Paul's contribution to the hope of the early Church", 203-217
  • Arie W. Zwiep, "Eight kings on an apocalyptic animal farm : reflections on Revelation 17:9-11", 218-237
  • Bert J. Lietaert Peerbolte, "How antichrist defeated death : the development of Christian apocalyptic eschatology in the early Church", 238-255
  • Tjitze Baarda, "John 3:13: 'The Son of Man who is in heaven' : a plea for the longer text", 256-273
  • Jan Krans, "Who coined the name 'Ambrosiaster'"?, 274-281

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