Κυριακή 9 Ιουνίου 2013

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / In the current issue of CBQ

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Catholic Biblical Quarterly 75:2 (2013) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα: 

  • Hyun Chul Paul Kim, "Reading the Joseph Story (Genesis 37-50) as a Diaspora Narrative," 219-238
  • Gianni Barbero, "Psalm 132: A Prayer of 'Solomo'," 239-258
  • Callie Callon, "Adulescentes and Meretrices: The Correlation between Squandered Patrimony and Prostitutes in the Parable of the Prodigal Son," 259-278
  • Teresa Kuo-Yu Tsui, "Reconsidering Pauline Juxtaposition of Indicative and Imperative (Romans 6:1-14) in Light of Pauline Apocalypticism," 297-314
  • Scott D. Mackie, "The Two Tables of the Law and Paul's Ethical Methodology in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 and 10:23-11:1," 315-334

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