Παρασκευή 14 Ιουνίου 2013

Το νέο τεύχος του Apocrypha / In the current issue of Apocrypha

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Αpocrypha 23 (2012) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Els Rose, "Virtutes apostolorum: Editorial Problems and Principles", 11-46
  • Maximilian Diesenberger, "Reworking the Virtutes apostolorum in the Salzburg Sermon-Collection 1st quarter of the ninth century)", 47-64
  • Marieke Van Acker, "A (Socio)linguistic Approach to Hagiographic Text Transmission: the Torino Collection Biblioteca Nazionale D.v.3. (8th/9th c.)", 65-80
  • Rémi Gounelle, "Editing a Fluid and Unstable Text: The Example of the Acts of Pilate (or Gospel of Nicodemus)", 81-98
  • Zbigniew Izydorczyk, "On the Evangelium Nicodemi before Print: Towards a New Edition", 99-116
  • Rita Beyers, "The Transmission of Marian Apocrypha in the Latin Middle Ages", 117-140
  • Caitríona ó Dochartaigh, "Homiletic Texts and the Transmission of Eschatological Apocrypha in a Medieval Irish Context", 141-154
  • Mariken Teeuwen, "The Digital Edition: New Possibilities and Challenges", 155-170
  • Jean-Marie Duchemin, "Un réexamen des notices de Théodore Bar Konaï sur les mandéens", 171-208
  • André Gagné, "Jésus, la lumière et le Père vivant. Principe de gémellité dans l’Évangile selon Thomas", 209-222
  • Tedros Abraha, "Some Philological Notes on the Mäúéüäfä ‘Éräfétä läMaryam “Liber Requiei” (LR)", 223-246

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