Δευτέρα 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Ο Σαμψών ως Μεσσίας / Samson as Messiah

Στο ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal 11 (2012) έχει αναρτηθεί το άρθρο του Shimon Fogel, "Samson as Messiah - Another Look" (στα εβραϊκά), στο οποίο ο συγγραφέας εξετάζει την αντιμετώπιση του Σαμψών ως ενός αποτυχημένου Μεσσία σε μέρος της εβραϊκής ερμηνευτικής παράδοσης.
Παραθέτω την αγγλική περίληψη του άρθρου:

"This paper deals with Samson as Messiah. In some midrashic sources, especially those concerning Jacob’s blessing to Dan (Genesis 49:15-18), Samson is described as a failed messiah. Samson began some messianic activity but did not succeed in completing the task. Some of these sources are explicit, whereas others use motifs and terms that carry messianic connotations in rabbinic literature. Portraying Samson as a failed messiah should lead to a reevaluation of rabbinic ideas about messianism. The model reflected here is quite different from the common one: Samson is a lone military hero, not one who stands out for piety. The fact that Samson is not denounced for his messianic activity may point to a “soft” messianic model, in which the messiah is not a predestined redeemer, but a human being with potential to succeed that may or may not be fulfilled. The appendix deals with Samson’s messianism in the late midrashic literature attributed to R. Moses the Preacher (Provence, 11th century). There we find an explicit statement to the effect that the future messiah will be very similar to Samson. This fact reflects the important role that messianic issues occupy in this literature."

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