Σάββατο 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Ψηφιοποιημένες δημοσιεύσεις του Ινστιτούτου Ανατολικών Σπουδών του Παν/μίου του Chicago / Digitalized publications of the Oritental Institute (Univ. of Chicago)

Το Ινστιτούτο Ανατολικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου του Chicago έχει αναρτήσει σε ψηφιοποιημένη μορφή παλαιότερες μελέτες του: 

SAOC 46. The Organization of Power: Aspects of Bureaucracy in theAncient Near East. McGuire Gibson and Robert Biggs, editors 1991

SAOC 41. Ecology and Empire: The Structure of the Urartian State. Paul Zimansky. 1985 

SAOC 36. The Hilly Flanks and Beyond. Essays on the Prehistory ofSouthwestern Asia Presented to Robert Braidwood. T. Cuyler Young, Philip Smith, and Peder Mortensen, editors. 1983 

SAOC 32. Patterns in the Early Poetry of Israel. Stanley Gevirtz. 1963 

SAOC 25. The Comparative Archeology of Early Mesopotamia. Ann Louise Perkins. 1949 

SAOC 24. Babylonian Chronology, 626 BC-AD 45. Richard Parker and Waldo Dubberstein. 1942.

SAOC 23. The Comparative Stratigraphy of Early Iran. Donald McCown. 1942 

SAOC 22. Hurrians and Subarians. Ignace Gelb. 1944 

SAOC 21. Hittite Hieroglyphs 3. Ignace Gelb. 1942 

SAOC 18. The Hyksos Reconsidered. Robert Engberg. 1939 

SAOC 15. The Kurrah Papyri from Aphrodito in the Oriental Institute. Nabia Abbot. 1938

SAOC 14. Hittite Hieroglyphs 2. Igance Gelb. 1935 

SAOC 13. The Oriental Origin of of Hellenistic Kingship. Calvin McEwan. 1934 

SAOC 11. Epiphanius' Treatise on Weights and Measures: The SyriacVersion. James Elmer Dean. 1935

SAOC 10. Notes on the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery ofMegiddo. Robert Engberg and Geoffry Shipton. 1934 

SAOC 9. Die Pakhy-Sprache. Julius von Meszaros. 1934

SAOC 7. Plano-Convex Bricks and the Methods of Their Employment: TheTreatment of Clay Tablets in the Field. Pinhas Delougaz. 1933 

SAOC 6. Kitab al-Zahrah: The Book of the Flower. Composed by Abu BakrMuhammad ibn Abi Sulaiman Dawud al-Isfahani. A. R. Nyki, editor. 1932 

SAOC 4. Archeology and the Sumerian Problem. Henri Frankfort. 1932 http://oi.uchicago.edu/research/pubs/catalog/saoc/saoc4.html

SAOC 3. Dei Hittitische Bilderschrift. Emil Forrer. 1932 

SAOC 2. Hittite Hieroglyphs 1. Ignace Gelb. 1931

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