Παρασκευή 17 Αυγούστου 2012

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του EC / In the current issue of EC

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Early Christianity 3:2 (2012) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Steve Mason, "Speech-making in ancient rhetoric, Josephus, and acts : messages and playfulness ; part II", 147-171 
  • Christopher B. Zeichmann, "Oi strategoi tou ieroo and the location of Luke-Acts' composition", 172-187 
  • Pier F. Beatrice, "Greek philosophy and gnostic soteriology in Heracleon's 'Hypomnemata'", 188-214
  • Joel Marcus, "A Jewish-Christian 'Amidah?", 215-225 
  • Pierluigi Piovanelli, "Thursday night fever : dancing and singing with Jesus in the 'Gospel of the Savior' and the 'Dance of the Savior around the Cross'", 229-248 
  • Werner Eck, "Das multilinguale Corpus Inscriptionum ludaeae/Palaestinae (=CIIP)", 267-273

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