Δευτέρα 6 Αυγούστου 2012

Συνέδριο βιβλικής (εβραϊκής και ελληνικής) λεξικογραφίας / Colloquium on the biblical (Hebrew and Greek) lexicography

Στο διάστημα 9-12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012 θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Στρασβούργου (Τμήματα Ευαγγελικής και Ρωμαιοκαθολικής Θεολογίας) συνέδριο με τον τίτλο: "La lexicographie biblique - hébreu & grec: sémantique - exégèse - traduction". Παραθέτουμε την περιγραφή των διοργανωτών και το πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου:

"Lexicography, together with grammatical studies and textual criticism, forms the basis of biblical exegesis. Recent decades have seen much progress in this field, yet increasing specialization also tends to have the paradoxical effect of turning exegesis into an independent discipline, while leaving lexicography to the experts. The Strasbourg colloquium will seek to renew and intensify the exchange
between the study of words and the study of texts. This will be done in reference to both the Hebrew source text and the earliest Greek translation, the Septuagint. Hebrew and Septuagint lexicography have always been intertwined to a certain extent and the explicit dialogue between disciplines is hoped to prove beneficial for both. The colloquium will be a forum where new methods and results can be exposed and discussed. Questions to be addressed are how linguistic meaning is effected, how it relates to words, and how words may be translated into another language, in Antiquity and today. Etymology, semantic fields, syntagmatic relations, word history, neologisms—all are relevant. At the same time, the colloquium is open to wider issues of interpretation. The meaning of texts interacts with the meaning of words, yet cannot be reduced to it." 


09h00–09h40 Leonid Kogan, Moscow
"The Use and Abuse of Etymology in Lexical Investigations.

09h45–10h25 Kyriakoula Papademetriou,Thessaloniki
"The Role of Etymology in the Meaning of Greek Biblical Words. Some Points for its Dynamic Semantic Character"


11h00–11h40 David Clines,Sheffield
"The Recovery of the Ancient Hebrew Language"

11h45–12h25 Abraham Tal, Tel5Aviv
"The Historical Dictionary of the Hebrew Language — a Project of the Academy of the Hebrew Language in the Making"

14h00–14h40 Eberhard Bons, Strasbourg
"The 'Historical and Theological Lexicon of the Septuagint' (HTLS)"

14h45–15h25 Avi Hurvitz, Jerusalem
"A Precise Lexicon of LBH: 50 Linguistic Innovations in the Writings of the Second Temple Period"


16h00–16h40 Ingo Kottsieper, Göttingen
"„Was Du von den Alten gelernt …“ — Anmerkungen zu einem Problem der hebraistischen Tradition"

16h45–17h25 Stefan Schorch, Halle/Wittenberg
"Lexicon of Samaritan Hebrew According to the Samaritan Pentateuch Tradition"

18h00–18h30 (opt.) Regine Hunziker-Rodewald & Walter Dietrich
"Kurze Ausgabe des Hebräischen und Aramäischen Lexikons (KAHAL)"


09h00–09h40 Walter Dietrich, Bern
"Hebräische Hapaxlegomena in den Samuelbüchern"

09h45–10h25 Cécile Dogniez, Paris
"Quelques remarques sur le vocabulaire du travail dans la Bible à l’épreuve de la traduction des Septante"


11h00–11h40 Bernd Janowski, Tübingen
"„Traurig und niedergebeugt“. Zur Semantik der Depression im Alten Testament"

11h45–12h25 Regine Hunziker-Rodewald & Nicolas Brulin, Strasbourg
"La fonction de la phraséologie spécifique en vue de l’argumentation historique dans Juges 2,11–3,6"

Visites cathédrale BNU
16h30–17h10 Eran Shuali, Strasbourg
"Comment le verbe Kilkel a-t-il pris le sens de supporter ? La lexicalisation du sens métaphorique en hébreu biblique"

17h15–17h55 Mark Peglau, Dresden
"Rausch — die andere Seite des Glaubens. Eine Untersuchung zu Trunkenheit, Ekstase und ähnlichem in den biblischen Schriften"

18h00–18h40 Romina Vergari, Haifa
"Aspects of Polysemy in Biblical Greek. The Semantic Micro-Structure of Κρίσις"

09h00–09h40 Jan Joosten, Strasbourg
"The Interplay Between Hebrew and Greek in Biblical Lexicography: Language, Text, and Interpretation"

09h45–10h25 Hugh Williamson, Oxford
"Semantics and Lexicography: A Methodological Conundrum"

11h00–11h40 Mark Smith, New York

"Words and their Worlds"

11h40–12h25 Panel final

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