Τρίτη 1 Μαΐου 2012

RBL 30/4/2012

Bob Becking and Susan Hennecke, eds., Out of Paradise: Eve and Adam and their Interpreters
Reviewed by Robert C. Kashow

Martin M. Culy, Echoes of Friendship in the Gospel of John
Reviewed by Anne M. O''Leary

James D. G. Dunn, Jesus, Paul, and the Gospels
Reviewed by Raymond F. Collins

Tchavdar S. Hadjiev, The Composition and Redaction of the Book of Amos
Reviewed by Beth Stovell

Geir Otto Holmes, Prayer and Vindication in Luke-Acts: The Theme of Prayer within the Context of the Legitimating and Edifying Objective of the Lukan Narrative
Reviewed by Kenneth D. Litwak

Jack R. Lundbom, The Hebrew Prophets: An Introduction
Reviewed by Goran Eidevall

Marty Alan Michelson, Reconciling Violence and Kingship: A Study of Judges and 1 Samuel
Reviewed by Klaas Spronk

Seth D. Postell, Adam as Israel: Genesis 1-3 as the Introduction to the Torah and Tanakh
Reviewed by John E. Anderson

Jaroslav Rindos, He of Whom It Is Written: John the Baptist and Elijah in Luke
Reviewed by Clare K. Rothschild

Clint Tibbs, Religious Experience of the Pneuma: Communication With the Spirit World in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14
Reviewed by John Poirier

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