Πέμπτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / In the current issue of JBL

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Journal of Biblical Literature 130:4 (2011) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα: 

  • Esther J. Hamori, "Echoes of Gilgamesh in the Jacob Story", 625-642 
  • Joel S. Baden - Candida R. Moss, "The origin and interpretation of saraat in Leviticus", 643-662 
  • Scott C. Jones, "Lions, serpents, and lion-serpents in Job 28:8 and beyond", 663-686 
  • Noam Mizrahi, "The history and linguistic background of two Hebrew titles for the high priest", 687-705
  • Jeramy Townsley, "Paul, the goddess religions, and queer sects : Romans 1:23-28", 707-728 
  • Jeffrey R. Asher, "An unworthy foe : heroic ???, trickery, and an insult in Ephesians 6:11", 729-748 
  • Joseph A. Marchal, "The usefulness of an Onesimus : the sexual use of slaves and Paul's letter to Philemon", 749-770 
  • Eyal Regev, "Were the early Christians sectarians?", 771-793 
  • Stephen J. Patterson, "Apocalypticism or prophecy and the problem of polyvalence : lessons from the Gospel of Thomas", 795-817

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