Τετάρτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Στo HTS 67:3 (2011) - In the current issue of HTS 67:3 (2011)

Στο 67:3 (2011) του περιοδικού Hervormde Teologiese Studies δημοσιεύονται μεταξύ των άλλων άρθρων και πολλά που παρουσιάζουν βιβλικό ενδιαφέρον (σε κάποια από αυτά αναφερθήκαμε κατά καιρούς και τώρα τα παρουσιάζουμε όλα μαζί για να έχουν οι αναγνώστες μία συνολική εικόνα):

Johannes van Oort, "The Holy Spirit and the Early Church: Doctrine & Confession"

Ernest van Eck, "In the kingdom everybody has enough – A social-scientific and realistic reading of the parable of the lost sheep (Lk 15:4–6)"

Pieter M. Venter, "The function of the Ammonite Achior in the book of Judith"

Andries G. van Aarde, "Rudolf Bultmann: Sy mees invloedryke bydrae in die 20ste eeu: ‘Urchristentum’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Johannes’-kommentaar?"

Ernest van Eck, "Do not question my honour: A social-scientific reading of the parable of the minas (Lk 19:12b–24, 27)"

Zeba A. Crook, "Fictive-friendship and the Fourth Gospel"

Eric Stewart, " I’m okay, you’re not okay: Constancy of character and Paul’s understanding of change in his own and Peter’s behaviour"

Andries G. van Aarde, "Regeneration and resurrection in Matthew – Peasants in campo hearing time signals from scribes"

Carlos Molina, Ernest van Eck, "Sfragís and its metaphorical testimonial presence in 2 Timothy 2:19"

Jacobus W. Gericke, "Descriptive currents in philosophy of religion for Hebrew Bible studies"

Elritia le Roux, "Levitikus as agtergrond van Markus 5:25–34, geïnterpreteer in terme van eer-en-skaamte"

Ferdinand M. M’bwangi , "A case of tribal defilement in a Kenyan rural village: A narratological and socio-rhetorical function of the motifs of ‘hearing and understanding’ and ‘contrast’ in Matthew 15:10–11 vis-à-vis Leviticus 11:1–4"

S. Philip Nolte, Pierre J. Jordaan, "Ideology and intertextuality: Intertextual allusions in Judith 16"

Daniël P. Veldsman, "The iconic significance of the Psalms as a literary genre for speaking about God: A phenomenological perspective"

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