Δευτέρα 31 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Acta Patristica & Byzantina / In the current issue of Acta Patristica & Byzantina

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Acta Patristica et Byzantina 21:2 (2010) δημοσιεύονται μεταξύ άλλων και τα εξής άρθρα βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος:
  • Philip  Bosman / Johannes N. Vorster, "Studies on the family as strategy in the Roman Empire", 1-4
  • Philip Bosman, "Utopia, domestication and special status : marriage and family in the Stoic tradition", 5-18
  • Willi Braun, "Virgins, eunuchs, Empire", 19-38
  • Athalya Brenner, "Alternative families : from the Hebrew Bible to early Judaisms", 39-50
  • Chris L. DeWet, "Husbands, wives and the "haustafeln" in John Chrysostom's 'Homilia in Epistulam ad Ephesios 20'", 51-62
  • Richard J. Evans, "The family as a target for revenge in Greek and Roman history", 63-73
  • William J. Henderson, "Family values in Greek lyric poetry", 74-94
  • Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, "Striking family hierarchies : Luke 12:35-48, gender and slavery", 95-108
  • Gwynaeth MacIntyre, "Constructing a family : representations of the women of the Roman imperial family", 109-120
  • Janette MacWilliam, "Family as strategy : image-making and the children of Germanicus", 121-140
  • S.J. Nortjé, "Deconstructing the heteronormative image of the early Christian household : reconsidering gender as a key organising concept of family functioning", 141-151
  • Jeremy Punt, "'All in the family?' : the social location of New Testament households and Christian claims on 'traditional family values'", 152-175
  • Roman E. Roth, "Dichotomising the family in Hellenistic Etruria : forms of strategic display in elite burials", 176-193
  • Elke Steinmeyer, "'The bold and the beautiful' in ancient Athens? : the Atreides and family", 194-206
  • Dirk G. van der Merwe, "Domestic architecture : culture, fictive kinship and identity in the First Epistle of John", 207-226
  • Johannes N. Vorster, "Exploring the possibilities of the family as strategy in the Roman Empire and early Christianity", 227-255
  • Benno A. Zuiddam, "Early orthodoxy : the Scriptures in Clement of Alexandria", 307-319

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