Τετάρτη 13 Ιουλίου 2011

Το τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Henoch / In the current issue of Henoch

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Henoch 33:1 (2011), το οποίο είναι αφιερωμένο στην ενωχική γραμματεία, δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Ida Fröhlich, "The Figures of the Watchers in the Enochic Tradition (1-3 Enoch)"
  • Marianne Dacy, "The Fallen Angels in the Book of 1 Enoch Reconsidered"
  • Calum Carmichael, "Azazel"
  • Silviu N. Bunta, "Metamorphosis and Role Reversal: Anthropomorphic Demons and Angelomorphic Humans in the Life of Adam and Eve"
  • Lara Gugliemo, "11Q13, Malchî edek, Co-reference and Restoration of II 18"
  • Darrell Bock, "Is That All There Is? A Response to Lara Gugliemo's 11Q13, Malchî edek, Co-reference and Restoration of II 18" 
  • J. Harold Ellens, "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Son of Man: An Assessment of 11Q13"
  • Luca Arcari, "2 Enoch and the Messianic Son of Mana Triangular Reading Between the Book of the Parables of Enoch, the Testament of Abraham, and 2 Enoch"
  • Basil Lourié, "One Hapax Legomenon and the Date of 2 Enoch"
  • Pieter van der Horst, "The Provenance of 2 Enoch 69-73: Jewish of Christian?"
  • Basil Lourié, "Afterlife of the 2 Enoch Calendar: Major Christian Feasts on the Sixt Day"
  • Rivka Nir, "The Appearance of Elijah and Enoch 'Before the Judgement was Held'"
  •  Stephen Pfann, "Abducted by God? The Process of Heavenly Ascent in Jewish Tradition, from Henoch to Paul, from Paul to Akiva"
  • Carlos A. Sogovia, "Noah as Eschatological Mediator Transported: from 2 Enoch 71-72 to the Christological Echoes of 1 Enoch 106:3 in the Qur'n"

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