Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2011

Τιμητικός τόμος για τον John Collins / FS for John Collins

Κυκλοφόρησε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Eerdmans κυκλοφόρησε ένας τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή John Collins:

Daniel C. Harlowe et al., The "other" in Second Temple Judaism : essays in honor of John J. Collins, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich. - Cambridge, U.K. 2011
ISBN 978-0-8028-6625-7

Περιεχόμενα του τόμου
  • XII-XIII: John J. Collins: cursus vitae
  • XIV-XV: Doctoral dissertations directed by John J. Collins
  • XVI-XXXII: A select bibliography of the publications of John J. Collins, 1973-2010
  • Daniel C. Harlow, "'Showing the wisdom of what he has learned' : the scholarly contributions of John J. Collins", 3-14
  • Joel S. Kaminsky, "Israel's election and the other in biblical, Second Temple, and Rabbinic thought", 17-30
  • Carol A. Newsom, "God's other : the intractable problem of the gentile king in Judean and early Jewish literature", 31-48
  • Katell Berthelot, "The original sin of the Canaanites", 49-66
  • Susan: Niditch, "Defining and controlling others within : hair, identity, and the Nazirite vow in a Second Temple context", 67-85
  • Susan E. Ackerman, "Otherworldly music and the other sex", 86-100
  • Timothy H. Lim, "How good was Ruth's Hebrew? : ethnic and linguistic otherness in the book of Ruth", 101-115
  • Antonios Finitsis, "The other in Haggai and Zechariah 1-8", 116-131
  • Naomi Jacobs, "When the King is the other : Nebuchadnezzar's Hibernian cousin", 132-142
  • Karina M. Hogan, "Elusive wisdom and the other nations in Baruch", 145-159
  • Shannon L. Burkes, "The lady vanishes : wisdom in Ben Sira and Daniel", 160-172
  • Matthew J. Goff, "'The foolish nation that dwells in Shechem' : Ben Sira on Shechem and the other peoples in Palestine", 173-188
  • Samuel L. Adams, "Poverty and otherness in Second Temple instructions", 189-203
  • Daniel J. Harrington, "Transcending death : the reasoning of the 'others' and afterlife hopes in Wisdom 1-6", 204-217
  • Lorenzo DiTommaso, "The apocalyptic other", 221-246
  • Seán Freyne, "Apocalypticism as the rejected other : wisdom and apocalypticism in early Judaism and early Christianity", 247-261
  • George W. Nickelsburg, "The we and the other in the worldview of 1 Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other early Jewish texts", 262-278
  • Rebecca Raphael, "Monsters and the crippled cosmos : construction of the other in Fourth Ezra", 279-301
  • Daniel C. Harlow, "Idolatry and alterity : Israel and the nations in the 'Apocalypse of Abraham'", 302-330
  • Shane Berg, "Religious epistemology and the history of the Dead Sea Scrolls community", 333-349
  • James C. VanderKam, "The wicked priest revisited", 350-367
  • Eric D. Reymond, "Poetry of the heavenly other : Angelic praise in the 'Songs of the Sabbath sacrifice'", 368-380
  • Estelle G. Chazon - Yonatan Miller, "'At the crossroads' : anti-Samaritan polemic in a Qumran text about Joseph", 381-387
  • Martin Goodman, "Romans, Jews, and Christians on the names of the Jews", 391-401
  • Erich S. Gruen, "Jews and Greeks as philosophers : a challenge to otherness", 402-422
  • Robert Doran, "The persecution of Judeans by Antiochus IV : the significance of 'Ancestral Laws'", 423-433
  • Patricia D. Ahearne-Kroll, "Constructing Jewish identity in Ptolemaic Egypt : the case of Artapanus", 434-456
  • Robert A. Kugler, "Dispelling an illusion of otherness? : judicial practice in the Heracleopolis papyri", 457-470

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