Παρασκευή 29 Απριλίου 2011

Review of Biblical Literature 28/4/2011

Francesco Cocco, Sulla Cattedra di Mosé: La legitimazione del potere nell'Israele post-esilico (Nm 11; 16)
Reviewed by Donatella Scaiola

Joel B. Green, ed. Methods for Luke
Reviewed by Robert M. Fowler

Knut Holder and Louis C. Jonker, eds., Global Hermeneutics? Reflections and Consequences
Reviewed by Susanne Scholz
Reviewed by Gerrie Snyman

Niko Huttunen, Paul and Epictetus on Law: A Comparison
Reviewed by Gitte Buch-Hansen

Rolf A. Jacobson, ed., Soundings in the Theology of Psalms: Perspectives and Methods in Contemporary Scholarship
Reviewed by Beat Weber

Henning Graf Reventlow and Yair Hoffman, eds., The Decalogue in Jewish and Christian Tradition
Reviewed by Michael Tilly

Christopher D. Stanley, The Hebrew Bible: A Comparative Approach
Reviewed by Bradford A. Anderson

Shemaryahu Talmon, Text and Canon of the Hebrew Bible
Reviewed by James A. Sanders

Hans-Friedrich Weiss, Frühes Christentum und Gnosis: Eine rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studie
Reviewed by Ismo Dunderberg

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