Σάββατο 23 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JJS / The current issue of JJS

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Journal of Jewish Studies 61:2 (2010) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Geza Vermes, "The son of man debate revisited (1960-2010)", 193-206
  • Arkady Kovelman, "Hellenistic Judaism on the perfection of the human body", 207-219
  • Fred Strickert, "The founding of the city of Julias by the Tetrarch Philip in 30 CE", 220-233
  • Ben Z. Rosenfeld, "The title "Rabbi" in third- to seventh-century inscriptions in Palestine: revisited", 234-256
  • Reuven Kiperwasser, "Toward a redaction history of Kohelet Rabbah : a study in the composition and redaction of Kohelet Rabbah 7:7", 257-277
  • Jonathan S. Milgram, "Methodological musings on the study of 'kelalei pesak' : 'hilkheta ke-
  • Rav be-issurei ve-khi-Shemuel be-dinei'", 278-290
  • Jonathan Jacobs, "Does Rashbam's commentary on the Torah acknowledge the commentaries of Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra?", 291-304
  • Shaul Shaked, "A note on 'Hebrew-script tombstones from Jam, Afghanistan'", 305-307
  • Daniel A. Machiela, "Once more, with feeling : rewritten Scripture in ancient Judaism ; a review of recent developments", 308-320

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