Δευτέρα 28 Ιουνίου 2010

RBL 27/6/2010

Pasquale Basta, Abramo in Romani 4: L'analogia dell'agire divino nella ricerca esegetica di paolo
Reviewed by Ilaria Ramelli

Delbert Burkett, Rethinking the Gospel Sources, Volume 2: The Unity and Plurality of Q
Reviewed by Christopher W. Skinner

David J. Downs, The Offering of the Gentiles: Paul's Collection for Jerusalem in Its Chronological, Cultural, and Cultic Contexts
Reviewed by Sze-Kar Wan

Jörg Frey, Stefan Krauter, and Hermann Lichtenberger, eds., Heil und Geschichte: Die Geschichtsbezogenheit des Heils und das Problem der Heilsgeschichte in der biblischen Tradition und in der theologischen Deutung
Reviewed by Christoph Stenschke

W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Oracle Questions
Reviewed by Frauke Weiershaeuser

Edgar V. McKnight, Jesus Christ Today: The Historical Shaping of Jesus for the Twenty-First Century
Reviewed by Roy W. Hoover

M. E. J. Richardson, A Comprehensive Grammar to Hammurabi's Stele
Reviewed by Russell Hobson

Anthony C. Thiselton, Hermeneutics: An Introduction
Reviewed by Ruben Zimmermann and Susanne Luther

Stephen H. Travis, Christ and the Judgement of God: The Limits of Divine Retribution in New Testament Thought
Reviewed by Christopher Chandler

Frank Ueberschaer, Weisheit aus der Begegnung: Bildung nach dem Buch Ben Sira
Reviewed by Ibolya Balla

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