Τρίτη 29 Ιουνίου 2010

Το νέο τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Journal of Biblical Literature 129:2 (2010) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Richard C. Steiner, "Poetic Forms in the Masoretic Vocalization and Three Difficult Phrases in Jacob’s Blessing: יֶתֶר שְׂאֵת (Gen 49:3), 49:4 ) יְצוּעִי עָלָה ), and 49:10 ) יָבאֹ שִׁילֹה )",
  • Dirk Büchner, "Ἐξιλάσασθαι: Appeasing God in the Septuagint Pentateuch", 237-260
  • Omer Sergi, "The Composition of Nathan’s Oracle to David (2 Samuel 7:1–17) as a
    Reflection of Royal Judahite Ideology", 261-279
  • Joel S. Burnett, "'Going Down' to Bethel: Elijah and Elisha in the Theological Geography of the Deuteronomistic History", 281-297
  • Scott Morschauser, "A “Diagnostic” Note on the “Great Wrath upon Israel”
    in 2 Kings 3:27", 299-302
  • Alan Lenzi, "Invoking the God: Interpreting Invocations in Mesopotamian Prayers
    and Biblical Laments of the Individual", 303-315
  • Kenneth Atkinson - Josi Magness, "Josephus’s Essenes and the Qumran Community", 317-342
  • Jonathan L. Reed, "Instability in Jesus’ Galilee: A Demographic Perspective", 343-365
  • Joan E. Taylor, "The Name “Iskarioth” (Iscariot)", 367-383
  • William Sanger Campbell, "The Narrator as “He,” “Me,” and “We”: Grammatical Person in Ancient Histories and in the Acts of the Apostles", 385-407

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