Τρίτη 18 Μαΐου 2010

Tο νέο τεύχος του JETS/ In the current issue of JETS

Στο νέο τεύχος του Journal of of the Evangelical Theological Society 53:1 (2010) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Bruce A. Ware, "The man Christ Jesus", 5-18
  • Justin M. Fuhrmann, "Deuteronomy 6-8 and the history of interpretation : an exposition on the first two commandments", 37-63
  • Norris C. Grubbs - Curtis S. Drumm, "What does theology have to do with the Bible? : a call for the expansion of the doctrine of inspiration", 65-79
  • Christopher R. Bruno, "'Jesus is our Jubilee' ... but how? : the OT background and Lukan fulfillment of the ethics of Jubilee", 81-101
  • Hoon J. Lee, "'Men of Galilee, why stand gazing up into heaven' : revisiting Galileo, astronomy, and the authority of the Bible", 103-116
  • Donald A. Carson, "Locating Udo Schnelle's "Theology of the New Testament" in the contemporary discussion", 133-141
  • Douglas J. Moo, "'The deliverance of God: an apocalyptic rereading of justification in Paul' by Douglas A. Campbell", 143-150

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