Παρασκευή 21 Μαΐου 2010

Νέες βιβλιοκρισίες στο RBL 20/05.2010

Έχουν αναρτηθεί στην ιστοσελίδα του Review of BIblical Literature νέες βιβλιοκρισίες:

Dan W. Clanton Jr., Daring, Disreputable and Devout: Interpreting the Hebrew Bible's Women in the Arts and Music
Reviewed by Dorothea Erbele-Köster

Carl S. Ehrlich, ed., From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature
Reviewed by Aren Maeir

Richard A. Freund and Rami Arav, eds., Bethsaida: A City by the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee
Reviewed by Wolfgang Zwickel

Sara Japhet, The Ideology of the Book of Chronicles and Its Place in Biblical Thought
Reviewed by Louis C. Jonker

Anne-Marie Korte and Maaike de Haardt, eds., The Boundaries of Monotheism: Interdisciplinary Explorations into the Foundations of Western Monotheism
Reviewed by Nathan MacDonald

Amy-Jill Levine, Dale Allison, and John Dominic Crossan, eds., The Historical Jesus in Context
Reviewed by Shelly Matthews

Richard R. Losch, All the People in the Bible: An A-Z Guide to the Saints, Scoundrels, and Other Characters in Scripture
Reviewed by Peter Judge

Rivka Nir, ed., Early Christianity: The First Three Centuries [Hebrew]
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz

Russell Pregeant, Encounter with the New Testament: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Reviewed by Abson Joseph

David P. Wright, Inventing God's Law: How the Covenant Code of the Bible Used and Revised the Laws of Hammurabi
Reviewed by Frank H. Polak

Terry R. Wright, The Genesis of Fiction: Modern Novelists as Biblical Interpreters
Reviewed by James A. Metzger

Magnus Zetterholm, ed., The Messiah in Early Judaism and Christianity
Reviewed by Adam Winn

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