Δευτέρα 1 Μαρτίου 2010

Το νέο τεύχος του RevQ / In the new issue of RevQ

Στο νέο τεύχος του Revue de Qumran 23:4 (2008), δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:
  • Hans Debel, "'The Lord looks at the heart' (1 Sam 16,7) : 11QPs a 151A-B as a "variant literary edition" of Ps 151 LXX", 459-473
  • Ian Werrett, "A scroll in one hand and a mattock in the other : latrines, Essenes, and Khirbet Qumran", 475-489
  • Moshé Bar-Asher, "On the language of 'The vision of Gabriel'", 491-524
  • Eibert J. Tigchelaar, "A forgotten Qumran cave 4 "Deuteronomy" fragment (4Q38D=4 QDeut u)", 525-528
  • Hanan Eshel, "A note on 11QPsalms d fragment 1", 529-531
  • Daniel Stökl, "Deconstructing the so-called "Genesis Apocryphon" from Masada (Mas 1m or MasapocrGen)", 533-542
  • Émile Puech, "Le 'Testament de Lévi' araméen, Cambridge a-b et f : corrigenda et addenda", 543-561
  • Joseph E. Zias, "A scroll in one hand and a mattock in the other : a response", 563-567

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