Τρίτη 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

Τα πρακτικά Συνεδρίου για το ευαγγέλιο του Ιούδα / proceedings of the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex (Gospel of Judas)

Κυκλοφόρησε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Brill ο τόμος με τα πρακτικά συνεδρίου για τον Κώδικα Tchacos και το ευαγγέλιο του Ιούδα, το οποίο έλαβε χώρα στο Rice University, Houston Texas, το Μάρτη του 2008 (στην έκδοση είχε αναφερθεί στο ιστολόγιό της και η April DeConick).

April DeConick (εκδ.), The Codex Judas Papers: Proceedings of the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex held at Rice University, Houston, Texas, March 13-16, 2008, (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 71), Brill: Leiden 2009
ISBN: 978 90 04 18141 0
€ 173.00

Περιεχόμενα τόμου
  • April D. DeConick, "The Codex Judas congress and its proceedings", XI-XXIX
  • Alastair H. Logan, "The Tchacos Codex : another document of the Gnostics?", 3-21
  • Karen L. King, "Martyrdom and its discontents in the Tchacos Codex", 23-42
  • Johannes van Oort, "Irenaeus on the Gospel of Judas : an analysis of the evidence in context", 43-56
  • Marvin W. Meyer, "When the Sethians were young : the Gospel of Judas in the second century", 57-73
  • Gesine Schenke, "The Gospel of Judas : its protagonist, its composition, and its community", 75-94
  • John D. Turner, "The Sethian myth in the Gospel of Judas : soteriology or demononology?", 95-133
  • Birger A. Pearson, "Judas Iscariot in the Gospel of Judas", 137-152
  • Fernando Bermejo Rubio, "Laughing at Judas : conflicting interpretations of a new Gnostic gospel", 153-180
  • Kevin Sullivan, "'You will become the thirteenth"': the identity of Judas in the Gospel of Judas", 181-199
  • Ismo Dunderberg, "Judas' anger and the perfect human", 201-221
  • Pierluigi Piovanelli, "Rabbi Yehuda versus Judas Iscariot : the Gospel of Judas and apocryphal passion stories", 223-239
  • April D. DeConick, "as archons : the fight for authority and the emergence of Gnosticism in the Tchacos Codex and other early Christian literature", 243-288
  • Nicola D. Lewis, "Fate and the wandering stars : the Jewish apocalyptic roots of the Gospel of Judas", 289-304
  • Grant Adamson, "Fate indelible : the Gospel of Judas and horoscopic astrology", 305-324
  • Niclas Förster, "The star of Judas in the Gospel of Judas", 325-336
  • Franklin Trammell, "The God of Jerusalem as the pole dragon : the conceptual background of the cosmic axis in James", 337-349
  • Elaine Pagels, "Baptism in the Gospel of Judas : a preliminary inquiry", 353-366
  • Bas van Os, "Stop sacrificing! : the metaphor of sacrifice in the Gospel of Judas", 367-386
  • Johanna Brankaer, "Whose savior? : salvation, damnation and the race of Adam in the Gospel of Judas", 387-412
  • Tage Petersen, "From perplexity to salvation : the Gospel of Judas read in light of platonic didactic strategies", 413-434
  • Louis Painchaud - Serge Cazelais, "'What is the advantage?' (Gos. Jud. 46.16) : text, context, intertext", 437-452
  • Matteo Grosso, "Three days and eight days : chronology in the Gospel of Judas", 453-469
  • Lance Jenott, "The Gospel of Judas 45,6-7 and Enoch's heavenly temple", 471-477
  • Simon J. Gathercole, "Paradise, kingdom and the thirteenth aeon in the Gospel of Judas", 479-499
  • Gregor Wurst, "Addenda et corrigenda to the critical edition of the Gospel of Judas", 503-507
  • Wolf P. Funk, "The significance of the Tchacos Codex for understanding the First Apocalypse of James", 509-533
  • Antti Marjanen, "The seven women disciples : in the two versions of the First Apocalypse of James", 535-546
  • James M. Robinson, "Questions about the Tchacos Codex", 547-556

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