Κυριακή 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

Τα πρακτικά της πρώτης συνάντησης Princeton-Prague για τον ιστορικό Ιησού / First Princeton-Prague Conference Proceedings on Jesus Research

Κυκλοφόρησε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Eerdmans ο τόμος των πρακτικών της πρώτης συνάντησης για τον ιστορικό Ιησού των πανεπιστημίων Princeton και Prague:

James H. Charlesworth / P. Pokorný, Jesus Research: An International Perspective. The First Princeton-Prague Symposium on Jesus Research Prague 2005, Eerdmans 2009, (336 σελίδες)
ISBN: 9780802863539
περίπου 23 ευρώ (pb)

  • James H. Charlesworth, "Introduction: Why Evaluate Twent-Five Years of Jesus Research?", 11-15
  • Stanley E. Porter, "A Dead End or a New Beginning? Examining the Criteria for Authenticity in Light of Albert Schweitzer", 16-35
  • Jens Schröter, "Jesus of Galilee: The Role of Location in Understanding Jesus", 36-55
  • James H. Charlesworth, "From Old to New: Paradigm Shifts Concerning Judaism, the Gospel of John, Jesus, and the Advent of 'Christianity'", 56-72
  • Carsten Clausen, "Turning Water to Wine: Re-reading the Miracle at the Wedding in Cana", 73-97
  • Gerd Theißen, "Jesus as an Itinerant Teacher: Reflections form Social History on Jesus' Roles", 98-122
  • Michael Wolter, "Jesus as a Teller of Parables: On Jesus' Self-Interpretation in His Parables", 123-139
  • Klaus Haacker, "'What Must I Do to Inherit Internal Life?' Implicit Christology in Jesus' Sayings about Life iand the Kingdom", 140-153
  • Rudolf Hoppe, "How Did Jesus Understand His Death? The Parables in Eschatological Prospect", 154-169
  • Petr Pokorný, "Demoniac and Drunkard: John the Baptist and Jesus According to Q 7:33-34", 170-181
  • Craig Evans, "'Have You Not Read...? ' Jesus' Subversive Interpretation of Scripture", 182-198
  • Tom Holmén, "A Contagious Purity: Jesus' Inverse Strategy for Eschatological Cleanliness" , 199-229
  • Ulrich Luz, "Founding Christianity: Comparing Jesus and Japanese ' New Religions", 230-254

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