Τρίτη 5 Ιανουαρίου 2010

Το νέο τεύχος του JBL / The new issue of JBL

Στο νέο τεύχος του Journal of Biblical Literature 128:4 (2009) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Mattthew Thiessen, "The text of Genesis 17:14", 625-642
  • Jeremy Schipper, "Deuteronomy 24:5 and King Asa's Foot Disease in 1 Kings 15:23b", 643-648
  • Lawson G. Stone, "Eglon's Belly and Ehud's Blade: A Reconsideration", 649-663
  • Alice Logan, "Rebilitating Jephtah", 665-685
  • Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher, "Framework and Discourse in the Book of Judges", 687-702
  • Edward Ho, "In the Eyes of the Beholder: Unmarked Attributed Quotations in Job", 703-715
  • Michael Chan, "Rhetorical Reversal and Usurpation: Isaiah 10:5–34 and the Use of
  • Neo-Assyrian Royal Idiom in the Construction of an Anti-Assyrian Theology", 717-733
  • Edna Israeli, "“Taxo” and the Origin of the Assumption of Moses", 735-757
  • Edward P.Dixon, "Descending Spirit and Descending Gods: A “Greek” Interpretation of the Spirit’s “Descent as a Dove” in Mark 1:10", 759-780
  • Matthew Gordley, "The Johannine Prologue and Jewish Didactic Hymn Traditions: A New Case for Reading the Prologue as a Hymn", 781-802
  • Brent Nongbri, "Two Neglected Textual Variants in Philippians 1", 803-808
  • Theodore E. Bergren, "A Note on 5 Ezra 1:11 and 2:8–9", 809-812
  • James R. Edwards, "A Nomen Sacrum in the Sardis Synagogue", 813-821

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