Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2009

RBL: Βιβλιοκρισίες 5/10/2009

Στο ιστολόγιο του Review of Biblical Literature έχουν αναρτηθεί οι εξής βιβλιοκρισίες:

Lars Aejmelaeus and Antti Mustakallio, eds., The Nordic Paul: Finnish Approaches to Pauline Theology
Reviewed by Erik Heen

Philip S. Alexander, The Targum of Lamentations: Translated, with a Critical Introduction, Apparatus, and Notes
Reviewed by Archie Wright

Sandra Gravett, Karla Bohmbach, F. V. Greifenhagen, and Donald Polaski, An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: A Thematic Approach
Reviewed by J. Dwayne Howell

Dietrich-Alex Koch, Hellenistisches Christentum: Schriftverständnis-Ekklesiologie-Geschichte
Reviewed by Friedrich Reiterer

Rachel Mairs and Alice Stevenson, eds., Current Research in Egyptology 2005: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Symposium, University of Cambridge 2005
Reviewed by Roxana Flammini

Reviewed by Mark A. Jennings

Jonathan T. Pennington and Sean M. McDonough, Cosmology and New Testament Theology
Reviewed by Michael J. Lakey

Enno Edzard Popkes, Die Theologie der Liebe Gottes in den johanneischen Schriften: Zur Semantik der Liebe und zum Motivkreis des Dualismus
Reviewed by Jan G. van der Watt

Gershom M. H. Ratheiser, Mitzvoth Ethics and the Jewish Bible: The End of Old Testament Theology
Reviewed by Ben Ollenburger

Reviewed by Nils Neumann

David Sim and Boris Repschinski, eds., Matthew and His Christian Contemporaries
Reviewed by Glenna Jackson

David Wilhite, Tertullian the African: An Anthropological Reading of Tertullian's Context and Identities
Reviewed by Ilaria L. E. Ramelli

Lawrence M. Wills, Not God's People: Insiders and Outsiders in the Biblical World
Reviewed by Lara van der Zee-Hanssen

Frank Yamada, Configurations of Rape in the Hebrew Bible: A Literary Analysis of Three Rape Narratives
Reviewed by Susanne Scholz

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