Δευτέρα 10 Αυγούστου 2009

Το νέο τεύχος του Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa

Στο νέο τεύχος του Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa 44:3 (2008) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος:

  • Meyer, Marvin W., "New insights from Codex Tchacos on the 'Letter of Peter to Philip'", 495-503
  • Bermejo Rubio, Fernando, "The logic of a Gnostic symbolism : some reflections in the light of the second tractate (James) form Codex Tchacos", 507-530
  • Gianotto, Claudio, "La figura di Giacomo, fratello del Signore, nel trattato 'Giacomo' del codice Tchacos e nella 'Prima apocalisse di Giacomo' di Nag Hammadi (V, 3) : alcune osservazioni per un primo confronto", 531-541
  • Franzmann, Majella. "Reading 'James' and the 'Gospel of Judas' in Codex Tchacos : the relationship of texts and their characters in a common codex", 543-552
  • April D. DeConick, "Transgressive Gnosis : radical thinking about the 'Gospel of Judas'", 555-570
  • Turner, John D., "The pseudo-Sethianism of the 'Gospel of Judas'", 571-604
  • Navascués, Patricio de, "Liturgy, eschatology and arithmology in the 'Gospel of Judas'", 605-635
  • Painchaud, Louis, "A tale of two kingdoms : the mysteries of the basileia in the 'Gospel of Judas'", 637-653
  • Barc, Bernard, "A propos de deux thèmes de l' 'Évangile de Judas' : Nébrô et les étoiles", 655-681
  • Scopello, Maddalena, "Allogène au Thabor dans le quatrième traité du Codex Tchacos", 685-699

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