Δευτέρα 8 Ιουνίου 2009

Βιβλιοκρισίες στο νέο RBL (7/6/2009)

Στο ιστολόγιο του Review of Biblical Literature έχουν αναρτηθεί μία σειρά από νέες βιβλιοκρισίες:

A. Berlejung and P. van Hecke, eds.
The Language of Qohelet in Its Context: Essays in Honour of Prof. A. Schoors on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
Reviewed by Max Rogland

Joshua A. Berman
Created Equal: How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political Thought
Reviewed by Mark Leuchter
Constantine R. Campbell
Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek
Reviewed by C. Michael Robbins

Sang Youl Cho
Lesser Deities in the Ugaritic Texts and the Hebrew Bible:
A Comparative Study of Their Nature and Roles
Reviewed by Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer

A.-F. Christidis, ed.
A History of Ancient Greek: From the Beginnings to Late Antiquity
Reviewed by Douglas Estes

Lowell K. Handy
Jonah's World: Social Science and the Reading of Prophetic Story
Reviewed by Karl Moller

Richard A. Horsley
Jesus in Context: Power, People, and Performance
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek

Peter Jeffery
The Secret Gospel of Mark Unveiled:
Imagined Rituals of Sex, Death, and Madness in a Biblical Forgery
Reviewed by J. Harold Ellens

Anke Joisten-Pruschke
Das religiöse Leben der Juden von Elephantine in der Achämenidenzeit
Reviewed by Robert A. Kugler

Katrin Keita
Gottes Land: Exegetische Studien zur Land-Thematik im Hoseabuch in kanonischer Perspektive
Reviewed by Sven Petry

Edward W. Klink III
The Sheep of the Fold: The Audience and Origin of the Gospel of John
Reviewed by Cornelis Bennema

Chaim Navon
Genesis and Jewish Thought
Reviewed by Bradley Embry

Albert Pietersma and Benjamin G. Wright III, eds.
A New English Translation of the Septuagint and the Other Greek Translations
Traditionally Included Under That Title

Reviewed by Wolfgang Kraus

Thomas R. Schreiner
New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ
Reviewed by Panayotis Coutsoumpos

Katherine M. Stott
Why Did They Write This Way? Reflections on References to Written Documents
in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Literature
Reviewed by Werner H. Kelber

David Shepherd, ed.
Images of the Word: Hollywood's Bible and Beyond
Reviewed by Christopher Fuller

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