Δευτέρα 1 Ιουνίου 2009

Το νέο τεύχος του JQR

Στο νέο τεύχος του Jewish Quarterly Review 99:1 (2009) δημοσιεύονται άρθρα σχετικά με τις σχέσεις Χριστιανισμού και Ιουδαϊσμού κατά την ύστερη αρχαιότητα:

  • Nathalie B. Dohrmann, "Name Calling: Thinking about (the Study of) Judaism in Late Antiquity", 1-6
  • Daniel Boyarin, "Rethinking Jewish Christianity: An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category (to which is Appended a Correction of my Border Lines)", 7-30
  • Megan Hale Williams, "No More Clever Titles: Observations on Some Recent Studies of Jewish-Christian Relations in the Roman World", 37-55
  • Seth Schwartz, "Sunt Lachrymae Rerum", 56-64
  • Martha Himmelfarb, "Judaism in Antiquity: Ethno-Religion or National Identity", 65-73
  • Ra'anan S. Boustan, "Augustine as Revolutionary? Reflections on Continuity and Rupture in Jewish–Christian Relations in Paula Fredriksen’s Augustine and the Jews", 74-87
  • Jeffrey l. Rubenstein, "The Exegetical Narrative: New Directions", 88-106
  • Richard Kalmin, "Jesus in Sasanian Babylonia", 107-112
  • Galit Hasan-Rokem, "Embarrassment and Riches", 113-120
  • Beth A. Berkowitz, "The Limits of ‘‘Their Laws’’: Ancient Rabbinic Controversies about
  • Jewishness (and Non-Jewishness)", 121-158

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