Πέμπτη 14 Μαΐου 2009

Συνέδριο για τον Codex Sinaiticus

Στο συνέδριο αυτό με αφορμή την ολοκλήρωση της ψηφιοποίησης του Codex Sinaiticus μιλήσαμε και σε παλαιότερες αναρτήσεις.
Από το ιστολόγιο Evangelical Textual Criticism πληροφορούμαστε τον προσωρινό κατάλογο ομιλητών και θεμάτων που τον παραθέτουμε κι εδώ για ενημέρωση των ενδιαφερομένων:

  • Daniel Batovici The Shepherd of Hermas in Codex Sinaiticus: textual and reception-historical
  • Christfried Böttrich The history of the 'Codex Sinaiticus'
  • Christopher Clarkson Book-making in the fourth century
  • Archbishop Damianos The New Finds
  • Eldon J. Epp Codex Sinaiticus in modern Biblical scholarship
  • Harry Gamble Codex Sinaiticus and its fourth century readers
  • Juan Garcés Codex Sinaiticus and the mass-digitisation of Greek manuscripts at the British Library
  • Peter M. Head Some Observations on Various Features of Scribe D in the New Testament of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Juan Hernández Codex Sinaiticus: the earliest Christian commentary on John’s Apocalypse?
  • Dirk Jongkind Scribal habits of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Father Justin The New Finds
  • Rachel Kevern Transcribing Codex Sinaiticus
  • Jan Krans The digitisation of Codex Boreelianus
  • Ekaterina Krushelnitskaya Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus
  • René Larsen Parchment production in the fourth century
  • Scot McKendrick Codices Sinaitici
  • Amy Myshrall Transcribing Codex Sinaiticus
  • Panayotes Nikolopoulos The New Finds
  • David Parker The fourth century New Testament text of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Albert Pietersma Psalms in Codex Sinaiticus
  • Peter Robinson Creating a 21st century edition of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Ulrich Schmid Citations of the LXX in their New Testament versions
  • Ulrich Schneider The future of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Helen Shenton The conservation of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Emanuel Tov The Septuagint of Codex Sinaiticus
  • David Trobisch Codex Sinaiticus and the early editorial history of the Bible
  • Kristin de Troyer Reading Judges for the first time
  • J. Verheyden 'That awful scribe B': some observations on the text of Hermas as compared to that of the Prophets
  • Klaus Wachtel The corrected New Testament of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Steven Walton Codex Sinaiticus as a manuscript of the 21st century

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