Τρίτη 14 Απριλίου 2009

Το νέο τεύχος του JBL

Στο νέο τεύχος του Journal of Biblical Literature 128:1 (2009) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Jonathan Z. Smith, "Religion and Bible", 5-27
  • Αndré L Cocque, "Whatever happened in the Valley of Shinar? A Response to Theodore Hiebert", 29-41
  • Cynthia Edenburg, "Ideology and Social Context of the Deuteronomic Women's Sex Laws (Deuteronomy 22:13-29)", 43-60
  • Charles Halton, "Samson's Last Laugh: The S/SHQ Pun in Judges 16:25-27", 61-64
  • Erasmus Gass, "Topical Considerations and Redaction Criticism in 2 Kings 3", 65-84
  • Hartmut N. Rösel, "Why 2 Kings 17 Does Not Constitute a Chapter of Reflection in the 'Deuteronomic History'", 85-90
  • Ryan E. Stokes, "'The Devil Made David Do It...Or Did He?' The Nature, Identity, and Literary Origins of the Satan in 1 Chronicles 21:1", 91-106
  • Tzvi Novick, "'She Binds Her Arms': Rereading Proverbs 31:17", 107-113
  • Jona Schellekens, "Accession Days and Holidays: The Origins of the Jewish Festival of Purim", 115-134
  • Benjamin D. Cox - Susan Ackerman, "Rachel's Tomb", 135-148
  • Victor H. Matthews, "Back to Bethel: Geographical Reiteration in Biblical Narrative", 149-165
  • David Toshio Tsumura, "Vertical Grammar of Parallelismin Hebrew Poetry", 167-181
  • R. Steven Notley, "The Sea of Galilee: Developmen of an Early Christian Toponym", 183-188
  • Mary Schmitt, "Restructuring Views on Law in Hebrews 7:12", 189-201

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