Πέμπτη 5 Μαρτίου 2009

Τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή Richard B. Hays

Κυκλοφορεί από τις εκδόσεις Eerdmans ο τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή Richard B. Hays, γνωστό κυρίως από το έργο του Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul, μία μελέτη με θέμα τη διακειμενικότητα και τη χρήση της Π.Δ. στην Κ.Δ.
The Word leaps the gap : essays on Scripture and theology in honor of Richard B. Hays, Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Cambridge, U.K. : Eerdmans 2008
ISBN 978-0-8028-6356-0

Περιεχόμενα τόμου
  • Stanley Hauerwas, "Why 'the way the words run' matters : reflections on becoming a 'major biblical scholar' ", 1-19
  • Christopher B. Hays, "Echoes of the Ancient Near East? : intertextuality and the comparative study of the Old Testament", 20-43
  • R.W. Moberly, "On interpreting the mind of God : the theological significance of the flood narrative (Genesis 6-9)", 44-66
  • Gary A. Anderson, "The book of Tobit and the canonical ordering of the Book of the Twelve", 67-75
  • Joel Marcus, "Idolatry in the New Testament", 107-131
  • Dale C. Allison, "Healing in the wings of his garment : the Synoptics and Malachi 4:2", 132-146
  • Bruce N. Fisk, "'See my tears' : a lament for Jerusalem (Luke 13:31-35; 19:41-44)", 147-178
  • David P. Moessner, "'Managing the audience' : the rhetoric of authorial intent and audience comprehension in the narrative epistemology of Polybius of Megalapolis, Diodorus Siculus, and Luke the Evangelist", 179-197
  • Joel B. Green, '''In our own languages' : Pentecost, Babel, and the shaping of Christian community in Acts 2:1-13", 198-213
  • Stephen B. Chapman, "Saul/Paul: onomastics, typology, and Christian Scripture", 214-243
  • Christopher K. Rowe, "The book of Acts and the cultural explication of the identity of God", 244-266
  • Marianne M. Thompson, "'They bear witness to me' : the psalms in the passion narrative of the Gospel of John", 267-283
  • Luke T. Johnson, "John and 'Thomas' in context : an exercise in canonical criticism", 284-309
  • Dwight M. Smith, "The historical figure of Jesus in 1 John", 310-324
  • Ed P. Sanders, "Did Paul's theology develop?", 325-350
  • James D. Dunn, "ek pisteos : a key to the meaning of pistis Christu", 351-366
  • Douglas A. Campbell, "An echo of Scripture in Paul, and its implications", 367-391
  • Beverly R. Gaventa, "From toxic speech to the redemption of doxology in Paul's letter to the Romans", 392-408
  • John M. Barclay, "Manna and the circulation of grace : a study of 2 Corinthians 8:1-15", 409-426
  • Susan Eastman, "Imitating Christ imitating us : Paul's educational project in Philippians", 427-451
  • Francis Watson, "Resurrection and the limits of Paulinism", 452-471
  • Nicholas T. Wright, "Faith, virtue, justification, and the journey to freedom ", 472-497
  • Markus Bockmuehl, "The conversion of desire in St. Paul's hermeneutics", 498-513
  • Brian E. Daley, "Walking through the Word of God : Gregory of Nazianzus as a biblical interpreter", 514-531
  • David C. Steinmetz, "The domestication of prophecy in the early Reformation", 532-542
  • A.K. Grieb, "The bard and the book : Shakespeare's interpretation of Scripture", 543-571
  • Leander E. Keck, "Is Matthew Arnold also among the prophets? : a Victorian critic interprets Paul", 572-598
  • Allen Verhey, "Neither devils nor angels : peace, justice, and defending the innocent ; a response to Richard Hays", 599-625
  • Ellen F. Davis, "The poetics of generosity", 626-645
  • Sarah H. Coomer, "A resting place", 646-648
  • Richard B. Hays;Judith C. Hays, "The Christian practice of growing old : the witness of Scripture", 649-664

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