Πέμπτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Βιβλιοπαρουσιάσεις του Review of Biblical Literature, 11/02/2009

Στη νέα ηλεκτρονική έκδοση του Review of Biblical Literature 11/2/2009 έχουν αναρτηθεί οι ακόλουθες βιβλιοκρισίες / βιβλιοπαρουσιάσεις (πατήστε επάνω στον τίτλο του βιβλίου):

John M. G. Barclay and Simon Gathercole, eds., Divine and Human Agency in Paul and His Cultural Environment
Reviewed by Stephan Joubert

George J. Brooke and Thomas Römer, eds., Ancient and Modern Scriptural Historiography / L'Historiographie Biblique, Ancienne et Moderne
Reviewed by Ernst Axel Knauf

Maurice Casey, The Solution to the 'Son of Man' Problem
Reviewed by Paul Owen

David J. Chalcraft, ed., Sectarianism in Early Judaism: Sociological Advances
Reviewed by Boris Repschinski

Martin Ebner, ed., Herrenmahl und Gruppenidentität
Reviewed by Christoph Stenschke

Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan, Parables of the Kingdom: Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition
Reviewed by Dan O. Via

Rowan A. Greer and Margaret M. Mitchell, The "Belly-Myther" of Endor: Interpretations of 1 Kingdoms 28 in the Early Church
Reviewed by Thomas J. Kraus

Stefanie Ulrike Gulde, Der Tod als Herrscher in Ugarit und Israel
Reviewed by Matthew Suriano

Yigal Levin, ed., A Time of Change: Judah and Its Neighbours in the Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods
Reviewed by Oded Lipschits

J. G. McConville and Karl Möller, eds., Reading the Law: Studies in Honour of Gordon J. Wenham
Reviewed by Eckart Otto

Benjamin Edidin Scolnic, Thy Brother's Blood: The Maccabees and Dynastic Morality in the Hellenistic World
Reviewed by Lester L. Grabbe

V. George Shillington, An Introduction to the Study of Luke-Acts
Reviewed by Nils Neumann

Stanley D. Walters, Go Figure! Figuration in Biblical Interpretation
Reviewed by Paul Elbert
Reviewed by Richard S. Briggs

Timothy L. Walton, Experimenting with Qohelet: A Text-Linguistic Approach to Reading Qohelet as Discourse
Reviewed by Andreas Wagner

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