Τετάρτη 28 Ιανουαρίου 2009

Βιβλιοπαρουσιάσεις στο Review of Biblical Literature 28/1/2009

Στη νέα ηλεκτρονική έκδοση του Review of Biblical Literature δημοσιεύονται οι βιβλιοπαρουσιάσεις των παρακάτω βιβλίων:

Philip S. Alexander, The Targum of Lamentations: Translated, with a Critical Introduction, Apparatus, and Notes
Reviewed by Jan-Wim Wesselius

Margaret Barker, Temple Themes in Christian Worship
Reviewed by Mary L. Coloe

Paul C. Burns, ed., Jesus in Twentieth Century Literature, Art, and Movies
Reviewed by Tsalampouni Ekaterini
Reviewed by Richard Walsh

Bruce Chilton, Abraham's Curse: The Roots of Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Reviewed by Marvin A. Sweeney

John Day, ed., Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar
Reviewed by Aren M. Maeir

Timothy Edwards, Exegesis in the Targum of Psalms: The Old, the New, and the Rewritten
Reviewed by Joachim Vette

William A. Ford, God, Pharaoh and Moses: Explaining the Lord's Actions in the Exodus Plagues Narrative
Reviewed by Hee Suk Kim
Reviewed by Brian D. Russell

J. Harold Greenlee, The Text of the New Testament: From Manuscript to Modern Edition
Reviewed by J. K. Elliott

Robert H. Gundry, The Old Is Better: New Testament Essays in Support of Traditional Interpretations
Reviewed by Michael F. Bird

Thomas Krüger, Manfred Oeming, Konrad Schmid, and Christoph Uehlinger, eds., Das Buch Hiob und seine Interpretationen: Beitrδge zum Hiob-Symposium auf dem Monte Verité vom 14.-19. August 2005
Reviewed by Philippe Guillaume

Stuart S. Miller, Sages and Commoners in Late Antique 'Erez Israel: A Philological Inquiry into Local Traditions in Talmud Yerushalmi
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz

Francis J. Moloney, The Living Voice of the Gospels
Reviewed by Stephan Witetschek

Risto Nurmela, The Mouth of the Lord Has Spoken: Inner-biblical Allusions in Second and Third Isaiah
Reviewed by Christophe Nihan

U. B. Schmid, with W. J. Elliott and D. C. Parker, The New Testament in Greek IV: The Gospel according to St. John: Volume 2: The Majuscules
Reviewed by Marcus Sigismund

Kenton L. Sparks, God's Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship
Reviewed by Arthur Boulet
Reviewed by Jeffrey A. Gibbs

Clinton Wahlen, Jesus and the Impurity of Spirits in the Synoptic Gospels
Reviewed by Mark D. Batluck

Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld, Recovering Jesus: The Witness of the New Testament
Reviewed by V. George Shillington

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