Δευτέρα 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Τιμητικός τόμος για τον Francis T. Gignac

Κυκλοφορεί ο συλλογικός τόμος προς τιμήν του καθηγητή Francis T. Gignac:

Jeremy Corley & Vincent T. M. Skemp (εκδ.), Studies in the Greek Bible : essays in honor of Francis T. Gignac, S.J, (CBQMS 44), Washington, DC : Catholic Biblical Association of America 2008
ISBN: 0-915170-43-4
26,00 δολ.

Περιεχόμενα τόμου
  • Dines, Jennifer M.,"Creation under control : power language in Genesis 1:1-2:3", 3-16
  • Hayward, Robert, "Guarding head and heel : observations on Septuagint Genesis 3:15", 17-34
  • DiLella, Alexander A., "A textual and literary analysis of the song of the three Jews in Greek Daniel 3:52-90", 49-64
  • Corley, Jeremy, "Septuagintalisms, Semitic interference, and the original language of the Book of Judith", 65-96
  • Whitters, Mark F., "Martyrdom as cultic death in the books of Maccabees : antecedents and later developments", 97-119
  • Porter, Stanley E., "Verbal aspect and discourse function in Mark 16:1-8 : three significant instances", 123-137
  • Maloney, Elliott C., "The "impersonal" plural active of the verb in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts : Semitic interference?", 138-162
  • Koet, Bart J., "Luke 10:38-42 and Acts 6:1-7 : a Lukan diptych on diakonia", 163-185
  • O'Connor, Michael P., "The language of creation in Ben Sira : HLQ=ktizo", 217-228
  • Flynn, Shawn W., "The Septuagint as interpretative translation and the complex background to katanyssomai in Acts 2:37", 229-255
  • Aitken, James K., "Phonological phenomena in Greek papyri and inscriptions and their signifacance for the Septuagint", 256-277
  • Bibliography of Francis T. Gignac, S.J., 279-288

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