Τρίτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2008

Τιμητικός τόμος για καθ. van der Horst

Κυκλοφόρησε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Brill ο τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή P.W. van der Horst:

Alberdina Houtman, Albert de Jong, Magda Misset-van de Weg (εκδ.), Empsychoi Logoi — Religious Innovations in Antiquity. Studies in Honour of Pieter Willem van der Horst, (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 73), Brill, Leiden 2008
ISBN: 978 90 04 16597 7
€ 167.00

I. Contexts
I. Zwiep, "‘Judenthum’, ‘Griechentum’ and ‘Christentum’ as Parameters in Early Nineteenth Century Jewish Political Thinking"
M. Goodman, "Explaining Change in Judaism in Late Antiquity"
G.G. Stroumsa, "The End of Sacrifice: Religious Mutations of Late Antiquity"
D.T. Runia, "Worshipping the Visible Gods: Conflict and Accommodation in Hellenism, Hellenistic Judaism and Early Christianity"

II. The Impact of the Individual
J. den Boeft, Ammianus Marcellinus’ Judgement of Julian’s Piety""
A. de Jong, "A quodam Persa exstiterunt: Re-Orienting Manichaean Origins"
A. Merz & T. Tieleman, 'The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion: Some Comments on its Philosophical and Historical Context"
J. Tromp, "John the Baptist according to Flavius Josephus, and his Incorporation in the Christian Tradition"
J.-W. van Henten, "The Panegyris in Jerusalem: Responses to Herod’s Initiative (Josephus, Antiquities 15.268-290)"

III. Group Dynamics as Agents of Religious Change
B. Becking, "Sabbath at Elephantine: A Short Episode in the Construction of Jewish Identity"

M.J.J. Menken, "The Opponents in the Johannine Epistles: Fact or Fiction?"
G. van Oyen, "Is there a Heresy that Necessitated Jude’s Letter?"
B.J. Lietaert Peerbolte, "Jewish Monotheism and Christian Origins"
H. van de Sandt, "The Didache Redefining its Jewish Identity in the Light of Gentiles Joining the Community"
P. Schaefer, "Bereshit Bara Elohim: Bereshit Rabba, Parashah 1, Reconsidered"

IV. New Texts, New Readings
R. van den Broek, "Manichaean Elements in an Early Version of the Virgin Mary’s Assumption"
J. Mansfeld & K. Algra, "Interpretative Thetas in the Strasbourg Empedocles"
T. Nicklas, '‘Our Righteous Brethren’: Reflections on the Description of the Righteous Ones according to the Greek Revelation of Peter (Akhm. 2)"
E. Tigchelaar, "The Evil Inclination in the Dead Sea Scrolls, with a Re-edition of 4Q468i (4QSectarian Text?)"
K. Worp, "A Greek Letter from Syria V. Jewish and Christian Texts in Comparison"
J.N. Bremmer, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Heliodorus in the Temple and Paul on the Road to Damascus"
H. Lichtenberger, "The Untold End: 2 Maccabees and Acts"
A. Houtman & M. Misset-van de Weg, "The Fate of the Wicked: Second Death in Early Jewish and Christian Texts"
G. Rouwhorst & M. Poorthuis, "‘Why do the Nations Conspire?’: Psalm 2 in Post-Biblical Jewish and Christian Traditions"

VI. The Development of Jewish Literature
J.H. Newman, "The Composition of Prayers and Songs in Philo’s De Vita Contemplativa"
K.-W. Niebuhr, "Life and Death in Pseudo-Phocylides"
E. Ottenheijm, "The Phrase ‘Good Works’ in Early Judaism: A Universal Code for the Jewish Law?"
E. Tov, "The LXX Translation of Esther: A Paraphrastic Translation of MT, a Free Translation or a Rewritten Version?"
W.J. van Bekkum, "The Hidden Reference: the Role of EDOM in Late Antique and Early Medieval Jewish Hymnography"

VII. The Development of Early Christian Literature
J. Herzer, "Rearranging the ‘House of God’: A New Perspective on the Pastoral Epistles"
G.E. Sterling, "Prayer as Theological Reflection: The Function of Prayer in Ephesians"
G. Mussies, "Reflections on the Apocryphal Gospels as Supplements"

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