Δευτέρα 24 Νοεμβρίου 2008

Το νέο τεύχος του Old Testament Essays

Στο νέο τεύχος του Old Testament Essays 21:1 (2008) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:
  • Basson, Alec, "'Rescue me from the young lions' : an animal metaphor in Psalm 35:17", 9-17
  • Botha, Phil J. - Weber, Beat, "'Killing them softly with this song ...' : the literary structure of Psalm 3 and its psalmic and Davidic contexts ; part 1: an intratextual interpretation of Psalm 3", 18-37
  • Katho, Bungishabaku, "La connaissance de YHWH selon Jérémie : une étude intra-intertextuelle", 38-60
  • Cook, Johann, "Translation technique and the reconstruction of texts", 61-68
  • Farisani, Elelwani, "The Israelites in Palestine during the Babylonian exile", 69-88 Groenewald, Alphonso, "Psalm 16 (LXX Ps 15) and Acts of the Apostles : part 1", 89-109
  • Himmelfarb, Lea, "The ethical-religious precondition for miracle performance in Rashi's biblical commentary", 110-123
  • Klopper, Frances, "Lament, the language for our times", 124-135
  • Meyer, Esias E., "Strategies for survival or recipes for oppression? : a critical discussion of the work of Daniel Smith-Christopher", 136-148
  • Nel, Philip J., "Remember the spring of your youth : the vanity of male power in Qohelet 12", 149-160
  • Seidl, Theodor, "Tränenschlauch und Lebensbuch : Syntax und Semantik von Psalm 56,9", 161-179
  • Bergh, Ronald H. van der, "Deadly traits : a narratological analysis of character in 2 Samuel 11", 180-192
  • Weber, Beat, "Makarismus und Eulogie im Psalter : buch- und kanontheologische Erwägungen", 193-218

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