Τετάρτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2008

Το νέο τεύχος του JETS

Στο νέο τεύχος του Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51:2 (2008) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:
  • Rodger C. Young - Bryant G. Wood, "A critical analysis of the evidence from Ralph Hawkins for a late-date Exodus-Conquest", 225-243
  • Ralph K. Hawkins, "The date of the Exodus-Conquest is still an open question : a response to Rodger Young and Bryant Wood", 245-266
  • Edmund K. Neufeld, "The Gospel in the Gospels : answering the question "what must I do to be saved?" from the Synoptics", 267-296
  • David Lincicum, "Paul and the "Testimonia" : quo vademus", 297-308
  • Denny Burk, "Is Paul's Gospel counterimperial? : evaluating the prospects of the "fresh perspective" for evangelical theology", 309-337
  • David Seal, "Shouting in the Apocalypse : the influence of first-century acclamations on the praise utterances in Revelation 4:8 and 11", 339-352
  • Martin Pickup, "New Testament interpretation of the Old Testament : the theological rationale of Midrashic exegesis", 353-381

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