Σάββατο 22 Μαΐου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSPs / The current issue of JSPs

 Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha 30/3 (2021)

  • Claudia D. Bergmann, "Drink and drinking in early Jewish texts: Describing a meal in the World to Come," 117-132 (abstract)
  • Tyler Smith, "Complexes of Emotions in Joseph and Aseneth," 133–155 
  • Trevor Tibbertsma, "Bright ecological wisdom in Baruch 3:33–35,"  156–165 (abstract)
  • Daryl Domning, "Susanna and the Elders: A Hebrew Legend with Egyptian Wordplay?" 166–171 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / The current issue of ETL

 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 97/2 (2021)

  • Wolfgang Grünstäudl, "Wie viele Dubletten finden sich im Lukasevangelium? Forschungsgeschichtliche und methodologische Klärungen," 191 - 222 (abstract)
  • Ronald Vincent Huggins, "The Generation of the Deportation to Babylon: Matthew 1,17 as the Key to Counting Matthew's Genealogy," 293 - 312 (abstract
  • Duncan Reid, "Q and the Embassies of Luke 7,1-10: Lukan Addition or Matthean Omission?" 313 - 348 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / In the current issue of Biblica

 Biblica 101/4 (2020)

  • Philip Yoo, "Dinah among Jacob's Seventy: On Genesis 46,8-27," 481 - 497 (abstract)
  • Jean-Pierre Sonnet, "'Today' in Deuteronomy:  Narrative Metalepsis," 498 - 518 (abstract)
  • Nili Samet, "Copulative-Appositional Lamed: A Newly Identified Feature of (Late) Biblical Hebrew," 519 - 542 (abstract)
  • Diego Pérez-Gondar, "The New Jerusalem as a Mother: Intertextuality among Ps 87,5, Gal 4,26, and 4 Ezra 10,7-10," 543 - 561 (abstract)
  • Federico Giuntoli, "Entering into the Test: Ps 155,11b (11QPsa 155 [Syr III]) as a Help to Understanding Matt 6,13a and Luke 11,4b," 562 - 576 (abstract)
  • Philip H. Towner, "2 Tim 1,7, Cowardice, and the Specter of Betrayal: The Intersection of Intertextuality and Paronomasia," 577 - 601 (abstract)


  • Hans Ausloos, "A Fresh Look at Deut 34,6 (MasDeut)," 602 - 611 (abstract)