Σάββατο 19 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Μία νέα συλλογή αποκρύφων / A new collection of apocrypha

Κυκλοφόρησε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Eerdmans ένας νέος τόμος όπου δημοσιεύονται σε αγγλική μετάφραση και σχολιασμένα απόκρυφα κείμενα λίγο γνωστά και τα οποία είναι ανέκδοτα. Σύμφωνα με την περιγραφή του εκδοτικού οίκου ο τόμος καλύπτει ένα μεγάλο εύρος, από τους πρώτους μεταχριστιανικούς αιώνες έως και τις αρχές της δεύτερης χιλιετίας, αποδεικνύοντας έτσι τη δυναμική που έχει η μη κανονική παράδοση μέσα στη ζωή της Εκκλησίας. 

Brent Landau / Tony Burke (επιμ.), New Testament Apocrypha, vol. 1: More Noncanonical Scriptures, Eerdmans 2016
ISBN: 978-0-8028-7289-0
635 Pages
$ 75

Ψηφιακή αναπαράσταση της "βίλλας του Αυγούστου" / Digital reconstruction of "Villa of Augustus"

Στην ιστοσελίδα Realm of History έχει αναρτηθεί ένα βίντεο με την ψηφιακή αναπαράσταση της "βίλλας του Αυγούστου" ή "διονυσιακής βίλλας" στην Somma Vesuviana (Νάπολη). Το πρώτο της όνομα το οφείλει στην παλαιότερη εκτίμηση -η οποία σήμερα αμφισβητείται από τους ειδικούς- ότι εκεί άφησε την τελευταία του πνοή ο αυτοκράτορας Αύγουστος. Οι αρχαιολογικές εργασίες που έγιναν στην τοποθεσία έφεραν στο φως ένα λαμπρό σύμπλεγμα domus με εντυπωσιακούς βοηθητικούς χώρους (π.χ. μία δεξαμενή 300 τ.μ.). Η βίλλα δεν καταστράφηκε το 79 μ.Χ. από την έκρηξη του Βεζούβιου και συνέχισε να χρησιμοποιείται ως αγροικία μέχρι και τον 5ο αι., όταν τελικά καταστράφηκε από μία νέα έκρηξη του Βεζουβίου.

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BibInt / The current issue of BibInt

Biblical Interpretation 24:4-5 (2016)
Emotions in Ancient Jewish Literature: Definitions and Approaches

  • Françoise Mirguet and Dominika Kurek-Chomycz, "Introduction," 435-441
  • Françoise Mirguet, "What is an “Emotion” in the Hebrew Bible?," 442-465 (abstract)
  • Angela Kim Harkins, "The Pro-Social Role of Grief in Ezra’s Penitential Prayer," 466-491 (abstract)
  • Ari Mermelstein, "Emotional Regimes, Ritual Practice, and the Shaping of Sectarian Identity," 492-513 (abstract)
  • Petra von Gemünden, "Emotions and Literary Genres in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and the New Testament: A Contribution to Form History and Historical Psychology," 514-535 (abstract)
  • Anke Inselmann, "Emotions and Passions in the New Testament: Methodological Issues," 536-554 (abstract)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RHPR / In the current issue of RHPR

Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 96:3 (2016)

Alfred Marx, "Job et les pauvres, un rapport ambigu," 229-247
The Book of Job contains two quite astonishing passages where Job speaks of the condition of the poor. The first is Job 24 :1-12, where he demonstrates an extreme compassion for their predicament ; the second is Job 30 :1-8, where, having displayed his charity, he then exhibits a hefty contempt for them. This ambiguous attitude is problematic and raises the question of the true relationship between Job and the poor.

Dominique Angers, "L’insistance lucanienne sur l’identité des destinataires et des bénéficiaires de la basileia et de sa proclamation," 249-265
The intent of the present study is to analyze the concept of the kingdom/reign of God in Luke-Acts from the standpoint of ecclesiology. It thus focuses on an issue that is rarely studied in conjunction with the notion of the kingdom in Lucan studies, namely, the identity of the believing community. More specifically, it considers questions of identity concerning both the recipients and the beneficiaries of the basileia itself, as well as of its proclamation. This article suggests that Luke is highly interested in these matters. The vast majority of occurrences of basileia in Luke-Acts confirm this, as do some key occurrences (e.g., the very first mention of the term, in Lk 1 :33, and the occurrences that form an inclusio in Acts, Ac 1 :3,6; 28 :23,31).

Gilbert Vincent, "Temps de l’indignation, temps de la prophétie. Lectures ricœuriennes. III. Prophétie: apocalyptique ou poétique?," 267-310
Faced by prophecy, hermeneutics feels duty bound to show a polite hospitality which obliges philosophy to undertake a critical examination of some of its own ideas, which can then appear as hyper-rationalist prejudices. However, isn’t it part of the philosopher’s responsibility to conduct himself without arrogance to a parallel examination of the vicissitudes familiar to the reception of prophetic discourse, a reception seemingly enthralled by the declaration of political and cosmic catastrophes, but also sensitive to the poetic depiction of a meta-political hope ? We will show, following Ricœur, that a hermeneutical critique of prophecy is legitimate and justified by the reading of prophetic literature itself.

Το τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD

Dead Sea Discoveries 23:3 (2016)

  • George J. Brooke, "New Perspectives on the Significance of the Scrolls for the New Testament and Early Christian Literature," 267-279 (abstract)
  • Cecilia Wassen, "The Use of the Dead Sea Scrolls for Interpreting Jesus’s Action in the Temple," 280-303 (abstract)
  • Loren T. Stuckenbruck, "The Dead Sea Scrolls: Insight into Traditioning Processes and the Growth of Gospel Traditions," 304-328 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Wold, "Genesis 2–3 in Early Christian Tradition and 4QInstruction," 329-346 (abstract)
  • Serge Ruzer, "Eschatological Failure as God’s Mystery: Reassessing Prophecy and Reality at Qumran and in Nascent Christianity," 347-364 (abstract)
  • Yair Furstenberg, "Initiation and the Ritual Purification from Sin: Between Qumran and the Apostolic Tradition," 365-394 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / The current issue of CBQ

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 78:4 (2016)

  • Andrew R. Davis, "Eden Revisited: A Literary and Theological Reading of Genesis 18:12-13," 611-631
  • Gili Kugler, "The Threat of Annihilation of Israel in the Desert: An Independent Tradition within Two Stories," 632-647
  • Edward Silver, "Framing the Oracle of a Seventy-Year Servitude: Early Contestation of the Jeremian Legacyin the Vorlage of the LXX of Jeremiah 25:1-7," 648-655
  • Timothy Wardle, "Resurrection and the Holy City: Matthew’s Use of Isaiah in 27:51-53," 666-681
  • José Enrique Aguilar Chiu, "A Theological Reading of ἐξέπνευσεν in Mark 15:37, 39," 682-705
  • Michael Winger, "The Meaning of Πνεῦμα in the Letters of Paul: A Linguistic Analysis of Sense and Reference," 726-795

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSHJ / The current issue of JSHS

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 14:2 (2016)
  • Jodi Magness, "‘They Shall See the Glory of the Lord’ (Isa 35:2): Eschatological Perfection and Purity at Qumran and in Jesus’ Movement," 99-119 (abstract)
  • Thomas Kazen, "A Perhaps Less Halakic Jesus and Purity: On Prophetic Criticism, Halakic Innovation, and Rabbinic Anachronism," 120-136 (abstract)
  • Cecilia Wassen, "Jesus’ Table Fellowship with “Toll Collectors and Sinners”: Questioning the Alleged Purity Implications," 137-157 (abstract)
  • Michael Flowers, "Jesus’ 'Journey' in Mark 7:31: Interpretation and Historical Implications For Markan Authorship and Both the Scope and Impact of Jesus’ Ministry," 158-185 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Bernier, "A Response to Porter and Pitts’ ‘Wright’s Critical Realism in Context’," 186-193 (abstract)

Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ASE / In the current issue of ASE

Annali di storia dell' esegesi 33:2 (2016)

Fernando Bermejo Rubio, "Between Gethsemane and Golgotha, or Who Arrested the Galilean(s)? Challenging a Deep-Rooted Assumption in New Testament Research," 311-339
There is a striking imbalance in the scholarly treatment of the Golgotha and Gethsemane episodes, insofar as the fact that critical scholarship has detected deep ideological bias in the Gospel accounts of the Jews as “Christ-killers” and has abandoned any idea of Jews crucifying Jesus as a serious distortion of historical reality has not entailed the abandonment of the notion that Jesus was arrested by his coreligionists. This state of affairs is quite odd, not only because, if the surest item of the Passion accounts is that Jesus was crucified by the Romans, a scenario in which he could have been arrested by them would make sense, but also because modern scholarship has produced compelling research allowing us to carry out a historical reconstruction which is very different to that conveyed in the Gospels. By building on such research and providing some new insights, this article argues that the responsibility for the arrest of Jesus rests on the Roman authorities.

Simon Butticaz, "The Construction of Apostolic Memories in the Light of Two New Testament Pseudepigrapha (2 Tm and 2 Pt)," 341-363
The disappearance of the apostolic generation in the course of the sixties (first century C.E.) plunged emerging Christianity into a profound “crisis of memory” (cf. Jan Assmann). Indeed: how was a foundational tradition to be managed or established in the absence of those who had been bearers of the memory of the beginnings? The classical thesis on this subject is well-known: in the absence of established ministries, it was apostolic pseudonymity, the only available authority, which made it possible to reinterpret the memory of the beginnings and adapt it to new socio-historic circumstances. In the footsteps of other scholars, the present article re-examines this hypothesis with the help of sociological theories and tools devoted to collective memory. If the disappearance of the apostles certainly confronted the early Church with a Traditionsbruch (Jan Assmann), it is unwarranted to suppose that the first generation enjoyed from the start a normative and undisputed authority. On the contrary, first and second centuries pseudepigraphy signicantly contributed to the construction of the memories of authoritative apostles, as can be seen with 2 Timothy and 2 Peter.

Joseph Grabau – Anthony Dupont, "How Pauline Was  Augustine’s John Commentary? On the Use of Romans 5:14 in Augustine’s Reading of John 19:34," 365-394
The authors examine here Augustine’s frequent use of Romans 5:14 in order to interpret John 19:34, on the generation of the Church from the “side of Christ.” Such an image carried through Augustine’s career, and reveals important features about his own synthesis of Johannine and Pauline elements. We aim to demonstrate the wide-ranging significance of Saint Paul in Augustine’s treatment of the Johannine passion (Jn 19:28–34), and aim to account for his changing points of emphasis on this chain of verses over the course of his early career as an episcopal exegete. 

To τρέχον τεύχος του Aramaic Studies / The current issue of Aramaic Studies

Aramaic Studies 14:2 (2016)

Syriac Intellectual Culture in Late Antiquity: Translation, Transmission, and Influence 

  • Walter Beers and Jeremiah Coogan, "Introduction. Syriac Intellectual Culture in Late Antiquity: Translation, Transmission, and Influence," 81-82
  • Matthew R. Crawford, "Resolving Genealogical Ambiguity: Eusebius and (ps-)Ephrem on Luke 1.36," 83-97 (abstract)
  •  Carla Noce, "Eusebius’ Historia Ecclesiastica in Syriac and Latin: A First Comparison," 98-117 (abstract)
  • Luise Marion Frenkel, "Syriac Christological Dialogues and the Transmission of Theodotus of Ancyra’s Contra Nestorium," 118-133 (abstract)
  • Valentina Duca, "Human Weakness in Isaac of Nineveh and the Syriac Macarian Corpus: A First Investigation," 134-146 (abstract)
  • Tomasz Niedźwiedzki, "Joseph’s Two Garments. The Reception of Joseph in Targum Neofiti," 147-183 (abstract)
  • Iosif J. Zhakevich, "Converse Translation in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Genesis 19.33: Did Lot Really Not Know That His Older Daughter Lay with Him?," 184-211 (abstract)
  • John D. Meade, "An Analysis of the Syro-Hexapla of Job and Its Relationship to Other Ancient Sources," 212-241 (abstract)
  • Brandon Simonson, "A Demotic Parallel to the Aramaic hnṣl of Elephantine," 242-264 (abstract)